Between 1995 until 2002 Recomate AB assisted VNIIS (All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Certification to set up the Russian Quality Award.
This project included building the infrastructure for a national quality award including the training of examiners and local consultants, as well as testing the Quality Award concept in a Russian context. This test was done through 2 year development projects in 30 Russian organizations, most of them were industrial firms but also one car repair workshop, one agricultural firm, 2 universities, and one commercial bank.
This project was completed with a conference in Moscow in 2002 where the experiences of the project and the organizations involved were presented in seminars as well as in a book published by VNIIS. This book is called:
Scheinberg, Sari (2002): Breaking Down the Potemkin Façade: The Case of Russian Organisations Moving Towards World Class Management, Special edition for the 5th Anniversary Conference of the RQA in Moscow, 18-19 April 2002, Recomate Books, Göteborg and VNIIS, Moscow (in Russian), ISBN 91-631-2382-7
Information about the Russian Quality Award can be found at the hompage of VNIIS:
Recomate AB.